Fulbright Network joined the Fulbright Association at the Fulbright Advocacy Day on March 15, 2017. This was a full-day campaign to educate members of the US Congress on the Fulbright Program and its impact. The event included speeches from distinguished Fulbrighters – Congressmen, former Ambassadors, University Presidents and Corporate CEOs – who shared the power of the Fulbright effect in their lives, and the opportunities for Fulbright in advancing peaceful societies and careers. Distinguished Alumni Speakers included:
- U.S. Congressmen Tom Cole and Dave Loebsack
- Former U.S. Congressman Max Burns (Event Chair)
- Ambassador to US from Hungary Reka Szemerkenyi
- President Morgan State University Dr. David Wilson
- Executive Director Fulbright Canada Dr. Michael Hawes
- Executive Director Fulbright Canada Dr. Michael Hawes